Aptly named The Sanctuary Islet, this secluded peninsula is a rare gem nestled within a protected 25 acre private park like preserve of native trees and mangroves in scenic Key Largo, the first island of the Florida Keys. Where privacy is a top perk. The Sanctuary Islet is an incomparable resort-like home that comes with all the amenities you can imagine except for neighbors. A one-of-a-kind, private peninsula surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, it is comparable only to living on a private island - yet walking distance to restaurants, bars, grocery stores and pharmacies. Offers the ultimate privacy - behind two private entry gates, is likely to be the most secluded and private property in all the keys. Home foot print is 4,000 sq ft. upstairs with over 2,000 sq feet of balcony and 4,000 sq ft downstairs. Includes additional separate guest house plans pre approved for 3 bedroom 3 baths with similar design as main house. As featured in Global Mansions -The Wall Street Journal, this estate was designed by a world renowned architect-engineer team and built to withstand direct impact cat 5 storm with minimal or no damage. Navigate your boat into your own protected boat slip. Accommodates a 45 boat - 24,000 pounds lift offering a large turning radius - into the wide open turning basin. No more fairway maneuvers needed. Conveniently located adjacent to the property and accessible via your own private road. A truly magical property that exudes peaceful tranquility unlike no other property in the keys.Possible unity with adjacent property - creating a family compound estate resort style- all behind a private gated entrance offering absolute seclusion. Offering privacy unlike no other.Owner- Broker.
Misc Subdivision Mm 97 107 Listings For Sale