The Saddlebunch real estate market can be found in the Lower Florida Keys. Though the market is quite small, Saddlebunch homes for sale are popular for their great location and aesthetic appeal. The island is known as one of the most beautiful in all the Florida Keys, and those who purchase houses in Saddlebunch often enjoy properties that allow residents to fully appreciate the beauty of their surroundings, including great waterfront Saddlebunch properties. See all real estate for sale in Saddlebunch in our comprehensive database of Florida Keys MLS listings.
These are the most popular Saddlebunch real estate searches. The categories below can help you simplify your searches by accessing the listings you are looking for with quick links, for more specific Saddlebunch MLS searches please use our advanced search to help you pin point the the exact property you are looking for.
Currently as of today March 28, 2025 there are 9 homes for sale in Saddlebunch, 9 of those houses are waterfront MLS listings. Saddlebunch also has 0 condos for sale and 0 of those condo listings are waterfront properties for sale. These Realtor listings are in 3 different neighborhoods in this Florida Keys city. This changes daily so be sure to sign up for email alerts, or contact a Saddlebunch Realtor from our team of experts.
Avg Price | # For Sale | Neighborhood | Mile Marker | Min Price | Max Price |
$2,093,833 | 6 | Bay Point Amd & 1st | MM 15.00 | $1,170,000 | $4,250,000 |
$799,999 | 2 | Bay Point Trailer Park | MM 15.00 | $299,999 | $1,300,000 |
$1,160,000 | 2 | Saddlebunch Shores | MM 14.00 | $925,000 | $1,395,000 |
Total Listings | Type | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Avg Price |
9 | All Homes | $925,000 | $4,250,000 | $1,798,111 |
9 | Homes - Waterfront | $925,000 | $4,250,000 | $1,798,111 |
0 | All Condos | $0 | $0 | $0 |
0 | Condos - Waterfront | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The Saddlebunch Keys are located just a quick 7 mile drive from Key West, between Mile Markers 11-15. They are ostensibly a collection of mangrove islands located on the ocean side of US-1. Nearby islands include Sugarloaf Key and Shark Key. As a part of the Lower Keys, the Saddlebunch Keys maintain a natural purity that is devoted to the natural beauty of the area. Several small residential neighborhoods can be found throughout the islands, all with close-knit communities. Residents of these neighborhoods have several great choices for local dining, and myriad other options as a result of the proximity of Key West. With beautiful scenery, and a huge number of nearby activities like fishing and boating, Saddlebunch is the perfect combination of tranquil settings and leisure opportunities.