Key Haven real estate consists largely of luxury homes for sale in the Florida Keys. Situated within the Lower Florida Keys, residents of Key Haven homes are actually located within a mile from the popular destination of Key West, making the market even more in demand. Waterfront real estate in Key Haven is common, despite the small nature of the market. Browse our complete database of listings of all homes, condos, and land for sale in Key Haven.
These are the most popular Key Haven real estate searches. The categories below can help you simplify your searches by accessing the listings you are looking for with quick links, for more specific Key Haven MLS searches please use our advanced search to help you pin point the the exact property you are looking for.
Currently as of today March 28, 2025 there are 7 homes for sale in Key Haven, 7 of those houses are waterfront MLS listings. Key Haven also has 0 condos for sale and 0 of those condo listings are waterfront properties for sale. These Realtor listings are in 6 different neighborhoods in this Florida Keys city. This changes daily so be sure to sign up for email alerts, or contact a Key Haven Realtor from our team of experts.
Avg Price | # For Sale | Neighborhood | Mile Marker | Min Price | Max Price |
$3,987,000 | 2 | Key Haven 10th Add | MM 5.00 | $1,975,000 | $5,999,000 |
$2,250,000 | 1 | Key Haven 2nd Add | MM 5.00 | $2,250,000 | $2,250,000 |
$1,475,000 | 1 | Key Haven 3rd Add | MM 5.00 | $1,475,000 | $1,475,000 |
$4,300,000 | 1 | Key Haven 5th Add | MM 5.00 | $4,300,000 | $4,300,000 |
$2,199,000 | 1 | Key Haven 5th Add Repl | MM 5.00 | $2,199,000 | $2,199,000 |
$2,795,000 | 1 | Key Haven 7th Add | MM 6.00 | $2,795,000 | $2,795,000 |
Total Listings | Type | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Avg Price |
7 | All Homes | $1,475,000 | $5,999,000 | $2,999,000 |
7 | Homes - Waterfront | $1,475,000 | $5,999,000 | $2,999,000 |
0 | All Condos | $0 | $0 | $0 |
0 | Condos - Waterfront | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Key Haven is a secluded community located just one mile from Key West, and is actually an unincorporated region on Raccoon Key. This beautiful enclave is a residential community that is home to approximately 1000 people. Key Haven is connected to US-1 by Key Haven Road near Mile Marker 5. Being so close to Key West, there is never a lack of options when it comes to entertainment choices or top restaurant choices. Additionally, there are any number of leisure choices available in Key Haven, including incredible deep sea fishing, boating charters, other water sports, and more.
The Key Haven real estate market is full of incredible real estate, including one of the island’s main attractions. In 2006, MTV’s The Real World filmed from an estate located on Key Haven. This, in addition to the beautiful scenery and tranquil setting makes Key Haven one of the best places to live or visit in the Florida Keys.