TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT COULD BE YOUR CLIENTS LAST CHANCE TO BUY INTO DALTON PLACE FOR LESS THAN $1,000,000!! This immaculate and bright Residence boasts picture-perfect views of the vibrant Intracoastal, tranquil yacht basin, lush tropical gardens, and breath-taking sunsets...ALL THROUGH FLOOR-TO-CEILING WALLS OF IMPACT GLASS!! All of the recently completed assessments, Daltons passing its 40 YEAR INSPECTION and CERTIFICATION--and this LOW , PRE-COVID LEVEL ASKING PRICE --make this Residence one of the MOST COMPELLING buys on the entire Oceanfront!!
Elemenatry School | Middle School | High School |
The MLS data provided for the property above (10960073) is provided courtesy of (Lang Realty/BR).
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