The Epitome of Oceanfront Luxury. Magnificently sited on Highland Beachs most prized and largest estate property, this newer direct ocean Custom Estate is a true masterpiece of French-Eclectic inspired modern architecture. Brilliantly designed by acclaimed Madey Architects NY, and expertly built by renowned Mark Timothy Luxury Homes, the visionary concept is complete with interiors by the impeccable Marc-Michaels.Please Note: the Contract Sale Price was $45,000,000 including all Furnishings and Personal Property valued at $5,000,000. However, the Sale Price was recorded in PAPA at $40,000,000 for the Real Estate. The Buyer paid Title Insurance, Documentary Stamps and Commissions which were in addition to the $45,000,000 Furnished Sale Price.
Elemenatry School | Middle School | High School |
The MLS data provided for the property above (10773557) is provided courtesy of (Ocean Estate Properties LLC).
All listings featuring the BMLS logo are provided by BeachesMLS Inc. This information is not verified for authenticity or accuracy and is not guaranteed. Copyright 2025 Beaches Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Data last updated on 03-04-2025.